Council Increases & Levies
Council Increases
It is that time of the year whereby council increases their tariffs on all utility items, namely:
Implementation of the increases are done by the various district municipalities in Gauteng area namely:
Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality
City of Johannesburg
Emfuleni Municipality
Tshwane Municipality
Midvaal Municipality
Lesedi Municipality
All increases are effective 1 July yearly, should you wish to find out more on the increases visit each of the above mentioned municipalities websites where the various increases are loaded.
Topic of the Month - Levies
What are levies?
The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act requires a body corporate to collect contributions (levies) from all members of the body corporate
(in other words, all owners of sections in the scheme), in order to cover the common expenses and operating costs that the scheme will encounter during a given financial year.
These contributions are paid into two funds held and operated by the body corporate:
1. The administrative fund, from which monies are drawn to cover the day-to-day maintenance and running costs of the scheme in terms of an approved budget; and
2. The reserve fund, from which monies are drawn to cover the long-term repair and maintenance requirements of the scheme, in terms of the 10- year Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Plan.
Therefore, in simple terms, the levies cover all expenses that the body corporate encounters throughout a financial year.
These expenses will vary from scheme to scheme, but will generally cover costs such as:
General maintenance of the common property, such as roads, gardens and swimming pools.
Cleaning of the common property.
Security, including infrastructure, systems and personnel.
Insurance premiums
The management fee for the managing agent Payments for other services rendered to the body corporate (auditors, attorneys etc.)
Banking and other similar administrative charges
Major long-term maintenance projects (repainting, reroofing, repaving etc.)
There are different types of levies. Example:
Ordinary levies - calculated in accordance with the approved budget
Reserve Fund Levies- which are raised for the building up of reserves for the major projects and the compliance of the CSOS requirement.
Special Levies-which are raised for expenditure not approved through the budget.
New owners become liable for the pro rata payment of both ordinary and special levies from the date of registration of transfer. Purchasers should thus enquire at the onset of
the transaction whether any special levies will be due and payable.
Announcement ...!!!
Meet Gerhard Benade'
With the team for 6 years
Gerhard Benade', or old Muscles as we affectionately like to call him, joined our team back in 2016. Stemming from humble beginnings, first as farm-hand
and later as full fledged Farm manager he started with the company having no experience in direct property management. From the word-go he speedily proved
himself as a go getter, quickly learning the in's and out's of the industry. Never one to rest on his laurels he also used his time wisely by embarking on the
academic side of the business as well by completing his UCT Paddocks Sectional Title and scheme management courses.
Considering the normal career path of many very well qualified professionals in our industry, Gerhard has risen above and flourished at our company through leaps
and bounds, he worked himself up and proved that it does not matter what your background may be or where you come from, anything is possible. From starting
As a filing clerk he worked himself up to Senior Portfolio Manager and directing the marketing initiatives of the company.
We are now very happy to announce that Gerhard has been promoted to Head of Department of our Community Schemes and New Business.
Gerhard, your story is an inspiration to many, congratulations from the whole team at Colprop.
Visit our website for more info